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正式公告 | 官龙学校二期工程方案设计招标





The Scheme Design Tender for Phase II Project of Guanlong School is now officially open for application!

There are no qualification requirements for this scheme design tender. The submission deadline for pre-qualification application materials is June 28th.



According to the 2023 work plan proposed by the Shenzhen Nanshan District Education Bureau, as the first education powerhouse in Guangdong province and a highland for education in Shenzhen, Nanshan Education will closely focus on the main goal of creating a leading urban area for basic education in the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and continue to promote the high-quality development of Nanshan Education. Efforts will be made to strengthen the "expansion of educational opportunities, beautification of campuses", further optimize the allocation of educational resources, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of China-style modernized Nanshan Education.

Against this backdrop, the Bureau of Public Works of Nanshan District, Shenzhen plans to launch the Scheme Design Tender for Phase II Project of Guanlong School. This is to expand the coverage of high-quality education resources in Nanshan District, lay a solid foundation for creating a high-quality and balanced development zone for national compulsory education, and build a strong education powerhouse in the province and city.


官龙学校二期工程 ?观筑
Phase II Project of Guanlong School ?GUANZHU


In order to ease the pressure of public school enrollment in the Xili area, meet the urgent needs of local residents for their children's education and their desire for high-quality education resources, it is proposed to build Guanlong School in the area to solve the problems of shortage of public school enrollment in compulsory education stage and long commutes. However, due to site restrictions, the Phase I Project of Guanglong School could only plan for the construction of a new 54-class 9-year comprehensive school, which cannot satisfy the future enrollment demands or development of the Xili area. Therefore, the project plans to build the Phase II Project of Guanlong School, which is an 18-class 9-year comprehensive school, to address the issue of insufficient enrollment capacity in Phase I.


The plan is to build Phase II Project of Guanlong School into a "high-quality, international, smart, and innovative" school with complete teaching infrastructure, beautiful campus environment, in line with the requirements of modern compulsory education, innovative teaching characteristics, and commensurate with the regional status.


① 项目区位 Project Location


The project is located north of Liuxian Blvd in Xili Sub-district, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, at the intersection of Tongsha Road and Tongyue Road. The surrounding transportation is convenient, with well-planned transportation arteries. Metro Line 5 and Line 13 (under construction) intersect about 300 meters away from the project site, and there is a St. Liuxiandong nearby. It can meet the needs when the project starts construction.



Transportation Condition?GUANZHU

② 项目规模 Project Scale
本项目建设用地面积为3820平方米,拟规划建设18班九年制学校(含12班小学,6班初中)/ 840学位(含 540座小学学位,300座初中学位)。
The project covers an area of 3,820 square meters and a total floor area of 16,323 square meters. The plan is to build an 18-class 9-year school (including 12 classes of primary school and 6 classes of junior high school) with a capacity of 840 students (including 540 primary school seats and 300 junior high school seats).

拟建总建筑面积16323平方米,其中教学及辅助用房6193平方米、办公用房 845平方米、生活服务用房1414平方米、教职工宿舍1540平方米、架空层公共空间200平方米、地上连廊432平方米、地下停车库2000平方米、设备用房 800平方米、地下通道184平方米、家长接送区504平方米、体育活动用房2206平方米、母婴室5平方米。

The proposed total floor area for the project is 16,323m2, including 6,193m2 for teaching and auxiliary rooms, 845m2 for office space, 1,414m2 for living services, 1,540m2 for faculty and staff dormitories, 200m2 for open space, 432m2 for above ground corridors, 2,000m2 for underground parking, 800m2 for equipment rooms, 184m2 for underground passage, 504m2 for pick-up/drop-off area, 2,206m2 for sports facilities and 5m2 for nursing rooms.








The tender includes but is not limited to the following:
① 前期设计配合(如用地相关手续的配合);
Coordination in the pre-design stage (such as coordination of land-related procedures);
② 后续招标配合;
Coordination of subsequent stages;
③ 建筑方案设计(概念方案设计、方案设计(含地下室)等),项目涉及的报建配合等;
Architectural scheme design (conceptual scheme design, scheme design (incl. basement), etc.), coordination of project-related applications, etc.;
④ 方案深化设计(室内概念设计方案、景观概念设计方案);

Scheme development (indoor conceptual design scheme, landscape conceptual design scheme);

⑤ 施工图设计配合、施工配合、对现场效果的审核把控;

Coordination of construction drawing design, construction coordination, and control of on-site effects;

⑥ 完成建筑单专业初步设计(盖出图章前的工作); 

Completion of architectural preliminary design (work prior to stamping);

⑦ 配合项目设计管理,参与各端口协调工作,配合招标人提出的需求及外部更新资料;

Coordination of project design management, participation in coordination among various parties, and coordination with the tenderee's requirements and external updated information;

⑧ 对各顾问工作中涉及方案效果的审控;

Control of scheme effects involved in all consulting work;

⑨ 配合 BIM 设计复核方案设计的合理性;

Coordination with BIM design to review the rationality of the scheme.

⑩ 配合编制各专项报告(包括但不限于使用功能、建筑节能、工程造价、运营成本、绿色建筑、水土保持方案设计、环境影响评价、交通影响评价等),满足政府相关部门审查所需要的所有专项咨询、专项设计、专题研究及专项评审(包括但不限于业主和政府相关部门要求的设计、咨询、研究和评审,报批报建所需的评审资料、会务及与政府相关部门的协调工作等)。
Coordination in preparing various specialized reports (including but not limited to functions, energy saving, project cost, operating cost, green building, soil and water conservation scheme, environmental impact assessment, traffic impact assessment, etc.), to meet all the specialized consultation, design, research, and review required by relevant government departments for examination (including but not limited to design, consultation, research, and review required by the owner and relevant government departments, review materials, meeting and coordination work with relevant government departments required for approval).
The tender work includes, but is not limited to, all contents specified in the Design Brief, design development and modifications required for review and approval by the government regulatory authorities, as well as the work of supplementing omissions caused by various reasons and adjusting due to changes in requirements. The project should be planned and designed according to the national second-level (including or above second-level) or Shenzhen Gold-level standards for green building evaluation, and the green building research and design section includes green building consulting and certification. The sponge city session must meet the design requirements of the "Shenzhen Sponge City Planning Points and Review Rules". The technical standards of prefabricated buildings should be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the "Shenzhen Special Plan for the Development of Prefabricated Buildings (2018-2020)", and meet the "Shenzhen Prefabricated Building Rating Rules". The content of nearly zero carbon needs to meet the requirements of the "Guidelines for the Implementation of Carbon Emission Management throughout the Entire Process of Government Investment Construction Projects in Nanshan District" and other related requirements. The specific scope and content must comply with the requirements of relevant standards, norms, laws and regulations.
The final scope of work shall be subject to the tender documents and design contract.


The project adopts the method of "open tender", which is divided into the stages of pre-qualification, bid evaluation, and bid determination. 



① 投标人须为独立法人机构或合伙制企业或其他组织机构。

The bidder must be a registered enterprise or institution.

② 本工程不接受联合体、个人及个人组合的投标。

Consortia, individuals, and individual combinations are not accepted for this project.




The estimated cost of the Scheme Design Tender for Phase II Project of Guanlong School is 1,388,242.4 yuan.

Note: according to the billing method stipulated in the "Engineering Survey and Design Charging Standards" ([2002] No.10) jointly formulated by the National Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Construction, the design fee in the scheme design stage accounts for 40%. The fee in the budget approval shall prevail.

落标补偿 Compensation Fee:
① 若“定标委员会完成定标”,未中标的第2、3名投标单位各补偿30万元。其余投标单位不作补偿。(合计60万)
If a winning bidder is determined by the Bid Determination Committee, the remaining 2 candidates entering this stage will be compensated with 300,000 yuan each. The rest of the bidders will not be compensated. (Total 600,000 yuan)

② 若“本轮方案比选未能产生建设单位认可的设计方案”,未中标的第1、2、3名投标单位各补偿30万元。其余投标单位不作补偿。(合计90万)
If no winning bidder is selected in this stage, all 3 candidates entering Bid Determination Stage will be compensated 300,000 yuan each. The rest of the bidders will not be compensated. (Total 900,000 yuan)

③ 若“经评审委员会认定本轮投标人提交的设计方案未达到本次招标设计工作深度及要求的,招标人将不予支付落标补偿费。”,重新启动招标工作。
If "the Bid Determination Committee determines that the design deliverables submitted by the bidders in this stage do not meet the depth and requirements of the design work of this tender, the tenderee will not pay the compensation for unsuccessful bids." The bidding process will be restarted.


① 本次公告所涉及的全部内容,最终以深圳公共资源交易公共服务平台(https://www.szggzy.com/jygg/list.html?id=jsgc)发布的招标公告为准。
All the contents involved in this announcement shall be subject to the official announcement published on the Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Center (https://www.szggzy.com/jygg/list.html?id=jsgc).

② 根据深圳建设工程交易服务系统后续程序的管理要求,如意向投标人未办理过深圳公共资源交易中心(建设工程投标)的网上企业信息登记,建议先行了解投标相关流程及提前办理网上企业信息登记。
According to the subsequent management requirements of the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service System, if the prospective bidder has not completed the online enterprise information registration on the Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Center (construction project bidding), it is recommended to first understand the bidding process and complete the online enterprise information registration in advance.

网上办理地址 Website


招标方 Tenderee
Bureau of Public Works of Nanshan District, Shenzhen

策划组织单位 Organizer
Shenzhen Guanzhu Architectural Development & Communication Center

招标代理  Bidding agency
Shenzhen UHO Tendering Co., LTD

咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email

咨询电话 Hotline
林工  Mr. LIN +86-0755-83881986
郑工  Ms.ZHENG +86-0755-26915731
周一至周五 9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00
Monday - Friday (UCT+8) 9 am-noon, 2pm-6pm


编辑 / 朱璐阳
视觉 / 周慧敏、黄泽三、郑维丹
校对 / 刘志斌、苏艾斯


